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How to Brew Coffee with a French Press

How to Brew Coffee with a French Press: Step-by-Step Guide

The French press, also known as a press pot or plunger pot, is one of the most classic and straightforward methods for brewing coffee. Loved by coffee enthusiasts for its ability to extract rich flavors and natural oils, the French press is ideal for those who enjoy a full-bodied, textured cup. If you’re looking to master this method, here’s a complete guide to help you brew the perfect coffee.

French press brewing method

What You’ll Need:


The standard ratio is 15 grams of coffee per 250 ml of water, which equals about 2 tablespoons of coffee per cup. If you prefer a stronger brew, you can slightly increase the amount of coffee.

Step-by-Step Guide to Making French Press Coffee

French press coffee
French press brewing

Extra Tips:

French press brewing technique

Why Choose a French Press?

The French press is perfect for those who enjoy a rich, full-bodied cup of coffee. Unlike other methods, this system doesn’t use paper filters, which allows the natural oils from the coffee to remain in the brew, providing a richer texture and deeper flavors. Plus, its simplicity and ease of use make it perfect for a quick home brew.

If you’re a coffee lover looking for a complete experience, the French press is an excellent option for you!

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